A Digital Furlough

Well, it looks like we have a sad and sick computer that needs to go back to the manufacturer for a (hopefully) short time. )o: Thankfully, we still have about 3 weeks left on our warranty! Phew. It broke just in time!

So, I am forced to take a little blogging vacation. I will be back though! If anyone needs to email me during that time, you can use my gmail address if you have it. If you don’t have it, email me before tomorrow and I will give it to you.

Bye for now! (o:

Local Tourists

“E”, “R” and I decided to have lunch at the little food shop up the road today. We don’t do this often, but it’s really fun when we do and the food there is really good.

I guess we looked like tourists since I took a few pictures of the girls– this nice lady came up to me and asked if I would like for her to take our picture. (o:
I accepted the offer since I don’t have a whole lot of pictures of myself with the girls, plus I didn’t want to admit that the pictures were just for my blog, and I actually live just two blocks up the road. Hee hee.

And of course, on the way home we had to stop at the fish pond.

The signature foot shot.

The Week

Well, it has been a fairly uneventful week (as far as blogging goes). I have been catching up with laundry and cleaning mainly, and watching movies at night with M. We saw 3 good ones in a row– amazing! I think my favorite was Big Fish. I’ve always liked Tim Burton movies, but this one is his best I believe. I was also able to get a little more painting done in E and R’s room, and I have been doing some work on a new banner for my friend Robin. She is one of the most talented people I know in the realm of sewing and creativity, and she is making me one of her really cool shrugs in exchange for some graphic work. Fun! R is also potty trained! That was one of my goals this summer, and I am very happy that is done.


Today was full of celebrations. First, our friends “AK” and “MB” were married today. They had a beautiful wedding ceremony, and lots of good food. (o:


The wedding party.

The girls had a lot of fun dancing.

The speech before the toast.

Later today, we celebrated R’s 2nd Birthday.

She got a homemade carrot cake for her Birthday cake. Yummy!

The birthday girl. Happy Birthday R!

Clarabelle and Mr. Julip at dinner time.

She had so much fun! She really had a blast. From her corn on the cob, to her cards and gifts, and finally to the big obnoxious balloon that M brought home that sings like a big opera lady when you smack it. M really suprises me sometimes… I wouldn’t have thought he would have ever picked out anything like this for his two year old daughter (E asked if it was a picture of a cow when she saw it). Just think– we get to have this balloon floating around our house for another month!

It’s just wrong if you ask me.

Grandmother sent a tricycle, and a baby doll.

Stickers from Grandma and Grandpa!

A big butterfly to hang from her bedroom ceiling.

The bracelet that E made for her.

I found this really cute/funny puppet in Roanoke, VA. We all had (and will have) fun playing with it.

Time for cake and ice cream.