Make Ready for the Future


This is what the girls looked like when me moved here for M to go to law school in early summer of 2004. E was three years old, and R was just 10 months old. Can you believe it?? In some ways it doesn’t seem like it’s been that long, but at the same time, in many ways it feels like it’s been a really looong time. We’re ready to be done.


We’re not done yet! One and a half more semesters. When we are finished, E will almost be seven, and R will be almost four. Craziness. They probably won’t even remember most of all this when they’re older.

I’m looking forward to the future.

Cookies & Curly Hair

E has been wanting to see what her hair would look like curly for a really long time. I really don’t want to take a curling iron to her head, so I picked up these cheap curlers at the drug store last week. We put them in this morning after her bath, did a little school, practiced violin, and then made some chocolate chip cookies for our elderly neighbor that lives downstairs. (I just love how R is really going at that beater!)

After delivering the cookies, and getting a few into our own bellies, we revealed the long awaited finished product…

Not quite as curly as we were hoping, but it still looks cute, and it made her happy. (o:

Long Strange Illness

As many of you know, we have had a pretty rough last few weeks. Here’s the scoop…

M had been very sick, and the doctor could not figure out what was wrong with him. She had actually used the word ‘mystery’ at least once while talking about his condition. He had been in bed for over a week with a fluctuating temperature, chills and cold sweats, achy joints and muscles, and a horrible headache among other things. He was tested for many different things like lyme disease, lupus, and hepatitis.

He had an MRI of his head last week to see if there was an aneurysm in his brain. As many of you also know, his father died 14 years ago from a brain aneurysm, and it can be hereditary. M’s headaches and high blood pressure are a few symptoms that had been concerning the doctor and us, hence the MRI. The MRI showed no aneurysm, so we are VERY thankful for that.

Other than the pain killers he had been taking, he is now taking beta-blockers for his high blood pressure, and I think that has helped and has also helped with the headaches. All of us here have been waiting on him hand and foot as to not stress his pretty little head about anything. (o: Kidding. We would never do that! (o: Kidding again.

He had some more blood tests done this past Friday, and his liver enzymes were closer to normal but not completely where they should be. Anyway, we are happy that he doesn’t have to go to a specialist, and that he has been gradually feeling better. He is supposed to go back again in about a month to see if everything is totally normal again.

Last night, I was looking through a book that Abby’s mom recommended to me years ago, and M’s symptoms were strangely similar to Malaria. I don’t think they tested for that, though they did ask him a few times if he had recently been out of the country. He said he had just been to Alabama. (o:

We are hoping that the neurologist will give us a copy of the MRI so that we can get it framed and hang it on the wall. Not many people have a picture of their brain to hang on the wall. It should be a real conversation starter.

I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us. Life can seem so dark when things like this creep in, but they are always for a good purpose to those who love Him, and I am thankful for God always working on us.