Full House

We have had a full house this week while C and G are visiting. They got here on Monday and will stay until tomorrow so that their Mom and Dad can get some work done with insurance companies, renting a house, etc.

Double the kids– double the fun– double the amount of energy running around the house, that’s for sure! (o:

Stinky, Dirty Feet
Stinky, Dirty Feet

There have been a few people who have mentioned that they may be interested in helping out. If you would like to send them anything, send me an email, and I will give you their contact info. I know that they also still appreciate any prayers as well.

Last Thursday


This past Thursday afternoon, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law’s house burned down. Everyone got out of the house okay except for a few of their cats (we’re hoping that they ran away and will turn up again). They have basically lost everything, but we are SO very thankful that they are okay. If this had happened at night while they were sleeping, it likely would have been a different story. They are still unsure of the cause of the fire, but an outdoor outlet with a timer plugged into it is a suspect.

Steve and Hope's House

Notice from these two pictures above that the Land Rover is pretty much holding up the whole corner of the house. What a great vehicle! (o: The condition of the Land Rover is still not known, but it looks pretty good from the back.




As you can imagine, this is extremely difficult for them. Within a few hours, everything they had was gone, and many of those things are just not able to be replaced. It was touching to see already the outpouring of help and concern from their neighbors. They have been showered with clothes, shoes, toys, toiletries, etc. I think H must have been given about 20 pairs of shoes after everyone found out that she ran out of the house barefoot.

Please pray for God’s provision and strength for the whole family.


Birthdays Past

Maggie's Birthday Party

Well, I am SO far behind on my posts! I have not been on the computer as much lately.

All within the last two weeks of May we celebrated 3 birthdays– Matthew’s, E’s, and her cousin C’s (they are both 7 years old now). A few pics…


Uncle and Nephew
Uncle and Nephew

Maggie's Birthday Party
She loves to play “dress up” and she loves weddings, so this little gift combined the two.

Good ‘Ol Dog

Good 'Ol Dog

This is our old dog Luther. We gave him to Matthew’s brother and his wife around 4 years ago just before we moved into an apartment that was too small for 2 big dogs. He is very happy in his “new” home, and he is just as cute.

He still remembers me. (o: